‘Golven rollen tollen, rollende tollende, golven rollen tollen.’

I see the city as a sea with endless waves, bikes, cars, people, animals, machines, trees, streets, houses, …
Sometimes I drown in this sea, the waves clash against me, I take them in and they overflow me.
‘Golven rollen tollen’ is about the feeling you’re flooding, flooding in the sea of a city full of sound, people who do not listen to each other, clashing like waves, don’t respect each other, don’t make space for each other and about myself in a group, I let myself overflow instead of standing strong like a rock.

Location: Mariaplaats, Utrecht
Elsa van der Linden, soprano sax
Lucas Kloosterboer, trombone
Géonne Hartman, voice
Rosa van Walbeek, clarinet and voice
City sounds